Welcome to the Entrepreneur's House of the
Electronics Valley (CEVE)!
"Guiding, simplifying, centralizing.
That's our job!"
Entrepreneur's counter
The services of the Entrepreneur Counter were structured to provide guidance on the business world. Its objective is to understand the needs and provide guidance and information so that in the opening of the business, the regularization process is obstacle-free.
Business guidance
Aspects for Business Registration
Type of business: Microentrepreneur Individual - MEI, Individual Entrepreneur - EI, and Limited Liability Company.
Corporate composition.
Revenue range: Microentrepreneur Individual, Microenterprise, Small Business.
Type of activity.
Taxation form.
Required documentation.
Associated costs for formalization.
Restrictions and Requirements
Socio(s) status - CPF
Name of the future company
Location (Urban Zoning)
Requirements, obligations, and specific regulations by type of activity: Sanitary Surveillance, Safety and Environmental Standards.
Required licenses: Environmental and ANVISA
Trademark registration
Post-opening obligations
Guidance on accounting, tax, and labor responsibilities and commitments.
Necessary certifications and homologations.
Management Guidance
Guidance for the Entrepreneurial Profile:
Are you ready to lead a business?
Guidance for Accessing Credit
Information about existing lines of credit for Individual Entrepreneurs, Microenterprises, and Small Businesses is available at CEVE.
Guidance for Opportunity Identification
It is necessary to know if the business you want to start is a good opportunity. It's important to outline a Business Plan, conduct a Market Study, and assess the availability of financial resources.
Verification of Documentation Required for Formalization
Before starting the formalization process, documentation is checked to avoid delays.
Administrative, Marketing, People Management and Production Information
The CEVE's database contains information about the industrial and commercial segments of the municipality, the quantity of skilled labor annually, and details about courses, training, and capacity-building programs available through partners.
Monitoring Business Development
Continuous interaction with registered entrepreneurs for the dissemination of our actions.
Service counter
Formalization of the Individual Micro Entrepreneur - MEI
The Individual Microentrepreneur is the person who works on their own and legalizes themselves as a small business owner.
CEVE performs all procedures for its formalization and operation.
Registration on the ENTREPRENEUR PORTAL to issue the CNPJ and State Registration.
Guidance on post-formalization commitments.
Zero cost for formalization.
Formalization of Companies
CEVE offers all guidance for opening your business in our municipality and has an outpost of the Minas Gerais State Board of Trade - JUCEMG, with the Minas Fácil system, responsible for integration with the Municipality, State, and Federal Government.
Through the Minas Fácil service, the entrepreneur can open their business simply and quickly, following three steps:
Fill out the Feasibility Consultation
Fill out the electronic form of the Synchronized Registry
Access the Integrator Module.
In approximately 8 days, the entrepreneur can obtain the registered Social Contract, CNPJ, Municipal Registration, Location Permit, and, depending on the activity, the State Registration.
"Alteration" and "Closure" services are also offered.
EMAIL: pavsantaritadosapucai@pmsrs.mg.gov.br
PHONE: 35 3471-3032
The Casa do Empreendedor do Vale da Eletrônica - CEVE, gathers in one place information from various economic sectors and offers guidance on legal matters, restrictions, requirements related to the type of business, guidance for accessing credit, and also advisory guidance on business management.
The Individual Microentrepreneur - MEI, Microenterprise - ME, and Small Business - EPP have differentiated treatment in Federal and State Legislation.
With the MINAS FÁCIL System service and the ENTREPRENEUR PORTAL, CEVE is responsible for the integration and exchange of information between entrepreneurs and the Public Power, at the Municipal, State, and Federal levels in the process of opening, altering, and closing business activities.